Country Overview:

“Fried chicken, graffiti, and lots of vending machines.”

I went to Seoul, South Korea on a visa run from Beijing and after arriving at 6pm, foolishly not having made a hotel reservation, I walked into the closet hotel I could find and booked a room for $150 a night. I stayed in Hongdae, in the university district, and started to bar hop and eat, as one does when traveling alone. Met some people, ended up at a club until 3am knowing I had a flight at 7am, and decided to go back to my hotel and stay awake. I woke up at 11am, having missed my flight, called the airlines and he said “We can re-book you for a new flight tomorrow at 7am” to which I said thank you, and then he asked, “Are you sure you’re going to be able to wake up on time for that one?” Fortunately, I did. I loved Seoul and would love to go back and preferably hit more of the sites rather than the bars. But hey, I was young and dumb and it was certainly an experience I’ll always remember.

Degen Hill Degen Hill

Dennis Rodman

Saw Dennis Rodman & Crew at Beijing airport on their way to North Korea. Chatted to the dude in the brown beanie, no idea who he is. The best part was that all the Chinese people took pictures, then asked the foreigners who he was. Lemmings…

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