Country Overview:

"Munich, the heart of Bavaria and the gateway to the German Alps, offers travelers a unique blend of old-world charm and modern sophistication."

Nestled in the picturesque Bavarian region of Germany, Munich is a city with something for everyone. From its historic breweries and world-class museums, to its bustling Christmas markets and beautiful parks, Munich offers a unique blend of old-world charm and modern sophistication. There's something special about Munich — it's a city that feels like home, no matter how many times you visit. Whether you're looking to explore its rich cultural history, sample its famous beer, or simply enjoy the laid-back Bavarian lifestyle, Munich is sure to delight.

Degen Hill Degen Hill

Munich Subway


This is a subway station in Munich and although there was a place to put the tickets, no one does. So I asked my buddy why people even bother buying tickets and he said “It’s the right thing to do. German people just do it. The system works because people have morals and the authorities have faith in the people”. Maybe it’s because I live in China, but I was blown away that such a system can and does function so effectively

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