Country Overview:

“Love the food, hate the government”

I arrived in China in May 2013 and left August 2020. I taught English for awhile, did my master’s of politics & foreign policy at Tsinghua University, worked for a year at China Today, and then two years at Xinhua News Agency. I spent most of my time in Beijing, but also traveled to Shanghai, Wuhan, Inner Mongolia, Shenzhen, Panjin, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Qingdao, Xi’an, Sanya, Macau, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.

Degen Hill Degen Hill

Went to Wangfujing today and ate some fried scorpion

Offered one to my buddy who said, “Eww, gross”. On the contrary brody. Visited what I can only describe as ‘A China Town in China’. Red Chinese lanterns, fake jade bracelets, people yelling at you to eat barbecue, the whole 9 yards. It’s nice to leave Shuangjing, an upscale area, and visit a dirty, albeit more exciting place every once in awhile. 

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