Country Overview:

“Love the food, hate the government”

I arrived in China in May 2013 and left August 2020. I taught English for awhile, did my master’s of politics & foreign policy at Tsinghua University, worked for a year at China Today, and then two years at Xinhua News Agency. I spent most of my time in Beijing, but also traveled to Shanghai, Wuhan, Inner Mongolia, Shenzhen, Panjin, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Qingdao, Xi’an, Sanya, Macau, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.

Degen Hill Degen Hill

Beijing 2017 International Youth Tourism Festival

1st event that I got to attend as press for China Today, the magazine I work for. Held at Beijing Railway Museum. Got to interview some cool people, including an 18 year old kid from Tajikistan who is studying architecture all in Chinese. The locomotive with Mao was actually the real train which Mao used until it was put out of service. 

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Degen Hill Degen Hill

Guess who?

Buddy got his hands on some "Mao" glasses. Everyone who tried them on looked creepy

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Degen Hill Degen Hill

Mo' Mao

Beijing Agricultural University and a crossing guard who shows up around 4:30 and then proceeds to yell at people to stop, who ultimately don't. 

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